Sunday, November 4, 2012

Unpossible Cuts Jewelry!!

Great googly moogly!!

I haven't blogged in months!!!!

Who missed me?!?!



<random cough in the audience>

WELL I'M BACK. (until I forget I have a blog, which was exactly what happened last time)

I wanted to share a cool company with you guys!! My boyfriend bought me a necklace from these guys and I got so many compliments on it over the last week that I decided to just post their link. They laser cut really cute and unique jewelry!!

Here is a picture of my necklace. Please disregard my lips in the corner. (Actually don't disregard them, don't they look awesome?! All sensual and stuff)

And here is the link!! CHECK THEM OUT! Their stuff is legit. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

You're acting like a child! GOOD.

Do you ever get those days where you "wish you could be a kid again?" Being an adult is stressful and there are so many damn responsibilities. Sometimes, no I don't want to go buy groceries. Because I don't want to circle the Trader Joe's parking lot for 25 minutes. No, I don't feel like going to the gym why can't I just eat these brownies instead?! I DON'T WANT TO PAY RENT I JUST PAID LAST MONTH! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!

Okay, I'm not telling you to be a whiny baby and abandon all responsibilities because frankly, yes you do need to pay rent. All I'm saying is it's okay to BE A KID sometimes! Remember the wonder and excitement, the small joys? Do things that bring back nostalgia from your childhood. Shows you watched as a kid, things you ate, activities you enjoyed. Reliving those moments will not only put a smile on your face but might even make the "boring adult" tasks more tolerable.

My current Sunday evening ritual is go to class, make dinner, have wine, watch Breaking Bad and/or The Newsroom and do something like laundry or organizing. 

I had an especially long and tiring week last week and didn't want to end with the same routine. So, after class, I stopped in at Target and bought this:

Then went home and watched this:

While eating these: (chocolate covered almonds and raisins)

And it was so relaxing!! Not that I don't love a good glass of wine to wind me down but it was so nice to just sit and color and I spent maybe 6 bucks total? 

Here are some of my masterpieces:

What did you enjoy as a kid? Puzzles? Board games? Hide and Seek? Okay, don't play hide and seek by yourself but you can totally enjoy watching your favorite movie or TV show growing up (Two Stupid Dogs, anyone? Arthur?!) or eating some snack your mom gave you after school. My go-to snack was Combos and M&Ms with a Mr. Pibb. Who was your favorite singer? You could easily find their Pandora station. I recommend the Spice Girls station. Zigga Zig Ahhhh.

Being an adult and everything that comes with it is part of growing up. But don't let anyone tell you that you can't be a kid sometimes too. Besides, what do they know? They're just stupid grownups.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Going on a date! With myself.

To all the people who have been wondering why I've been MIA (absolutely no one) I've been busy, I'm sorry and I'm back!

So, last week, I took myself on a date. And I found out two things:

1. I am a cheap date.
2. I have a lot of fun by myself.

I TOOK MYSELF BOWLING! And it was really such a fun experience.

Isn't that boring? Don't you look weird by yourself?

NO. YES, probably, but who cares?! I didn't know anyone there. And I bet the couple making out every two minutes sharing the booth with me looked weirder. Excuse me, you're making out on my purse. Do you mind straddling him on the next chair over? OR AT HOME IN PRIVATE?!

The great thing is, I AM TERRIBLE AT BOWLING. GOD I AM SO BAD. The lightest ball (8llbs) was too heavy for my twig arms and I guttered pretty much every ball with the occasional "looks like it's going to be a gutter but knocks down one pin at the last second" SUCCESS!

Because I was alone, I didn't feel the need to compete (I'm fiercely competitive, don't play board games with me) and I didn't feel pressured to impress anyone. I sure as hell didn't need to impress myself. I just allowed myself to have fun. I couldn't stop cracking up at myself. The two games probably lasted me 40 minutes and I was in such a good mood after!

I'm a big proponent of alone time, but that alone time is usually spent in my room watching HBO. Why not take yourself out once in a while?  Be it a nice dinner, a movie, WHATEVER. 1 hour a week, 30 minutes even. Frankly, you deserve it and you will thank yourself after.

I'm trying to make this a weekly thing. This week my date wants to go to a museum. So I'm currently looking up free days, cuz I'm not trying to spend money on her. She doesn't have it that good yet.

Monday, July 2, 2012

The "Busy" Trap

This is a great article from the NY Times. I fall victim to this self-imposed trap, feeling like I need to fill my schedule with meaningless errands and forcing myself to do everything from classes to workshops to Q&As to writing this blog to feel a sense of productivity in my career. Very often, I'm exhausted from these "obligations" I "have" to complete, as if I am having to turn in these checklists at the end of each week just to receive a gold star for my achievements that keeps me going for the next week.

"Life is too short to be busy." - Not that I feel completely abandoning my routine is the alternative, but sometimes, even if it's just for one hour one time a week, do absolutely nothing! More importantly, ENJOY doing nothing.

You can read the article here: The "Busy" Trap

Stop and smell the roses, literally

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Celebrity Look Alike?

So I was bored in line the other day and downloaded the My Heritage App where you can like morph your face to see which "celebrity look alike" you have. I repeat, very bored. Very long line.

Anyways, THIS happened and it made me really excited.

BEYONCE, YALL. B E Y O N C E. So, of course I let me ego get the best of me.

That is, until THIS happened.

And then THIS.

So, using the "two out of three" rule, not only do I NOT look like Beyonce, I look like an old Asian man. Furthermore, I looked like an old Asian man when I was both 1 year old AND today at 24. I now realize why I haven't been booking more work. I have been competing for the wrong roles!!

Looks like it's time for new headshots.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Happy Anniversary!!

Today is a wonderful day because TODAY is two years since I moved to LA! Happy two year anniversary you hard headed, stubborn, moody, giveth and taketh away, difficult to please, physically and emotionally draining love of mine!!

Last year, I wrote a One Year anniversary blog about all the things I had learned my first year:
"WTF is Quinoa?" A Texan's first year in LA (click on link if you'd like to read or reread)

This year, I will not write a long entry because 1. I still feel the same way about everything I talked about, and 2. this blog is called "SHORT and sometimes sweet." I will keep shit short for the sake of everyone's ADD. So, here are some highlights of my second year in Los Angeles:

1. Joined the cast of the Really Awesome Improv Show at Second City.

2. Where I met this lovely human being. The funniest, smartest, most anything-est man I've ever met. So glad I had the balls to hit on you that day. 

3. Moved into my own apartment in Studio City!! No pictures. I will not show you where I live. But here are my amazing roomies!!

4. Did a spot on The Soup for E! opposite the guys from Walking Dead, along with three short films. And also wrote, produced, and starred in a pilot of a web series. Feeling so Tina Fey a la 30 Rock. (You can refer to me by my alias, Tuna Fay.)

5. Booked my first national commercial alongside Betty White!! Look out for it in the fall.

6. In relation to above, joined SAG/AFTRA. HUUUGE step for me.

7. Wrote and performed in two sketch shows for Second City, Bad News Bearers and Girl, Intervention.  Also, formed my own improv troupe with some friends, 8 Ball in the Pocket. 

8. Graduated from The Second City Hollywood Training Center! Where I met so many great people to laugh, share, and perform with. Constant creativity and inspiration buzzing around there!

I feel extremely fortunate to be able to pursue what I love. Cheers to many more years with you! As long as you don't drive me batshit crazy.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Mash Ups!

One time, Mindy Kaling tweeted, "Eastbound and Downton Abbey, am I right?" and I thought it was the funniest thing ever.

(That just sounded like, "One time Regina George punched me in the face, and it was awesome.")

So I started mashing up other TV shows for fun! So far I have:

All in the Modern Family

Band of Brothers and Sister Sisters (Triple threat!)

Two and a Half Mad Men

Sanford and Sons of Anarchy

The Dating Game of Thrones

30 Rock From the Sun

Two Broke Gilmore Girls

The Real Desperate Housewives of OC

Pretty Little Liars on the Prairie

My So Called Name is Earl

Prison Breaking Bad

Happy Ending Days

The Wild Wild West Wing

Got any mashups??? Send them my way!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Video Ho!

Here are three videos of the week that have made me L-O-L. Check them out!!

1. Beauty and the Beat. This video has been blowing up the last 24 hours. Belle in the hood!! I have love for the hood (I grew up in Southwest Houston) so this is a combination of my favorite things. Also! If you're a huge B&B fan (like myself, which is why I  felt like I am cool enough to make it an acronym) you will notice very small details in the video. EXAMPLE. "Jerome's" sidekick "Lil Foo" in the video made me crack up because in the film, Gaston's sidekick is "Le Fou", which means The fool in French. **The more you know** 

2. Caller ID. This video has also blown up and I am proud to know and work with the men behind the genius. This video is great BECAUSE IT'S TRUE. If you scroll through your contacts right now, you will probably have a few "nicknames" for people. I have "Don't Pick Up, Don't Answer, and NO" all three different men, or maybe the same man with three different numbers. I'll never know because I will never pick up! Also, "Gym Douche," was a gentleman who when asked for my number, I replied, "I will give you my number if you can tell me my name." He called me Sabrina. So I kindly took his # instead. I also have someone under "?" This one is tempting. Who or what will be on the other end?! Hats off to my buddies at Altermotion/202 and my friends in the cast.

3. Shark Bites: Lastly, but certainly not,, is a little video from the upcoming franchise Shark Bites. This here is Brooklyn the puppet, he reviews films in a way that is hilarious and charming but also makes you wonder if he's even watched the films at all. In this video, Brooklyn reviews Brave but is actually describing Hunger Games the entire time! Kudos to the entire brilliant Shark Bites team, whom I also know (Look at me name-droppin, such a Los Angelino) 
Check them out at

If you've got any videos that made you laugh this week, send them my way!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Greetings one.

Or is there anyone out there? there? there?

I decided to blog. To become a blogger. Bloggie? Bloggite?

Clearly, I don't know the correct terminology. I don't even know if blog can be used a verb.
(See above: "I decided to blog.")

Anyhoo, HELLO! And welcome to my personal blog. I will post stories, pictures, quotes, jokes, things I find entertaining overall. And mehopes you will find it entertaining too! Otherwise, I will commit online suicide and delete it.

But let's be optimistic! Cheers to my new blog! Hear hear! Here Here. Hear Here? Damnit.