Guess who's bizzack?
It's me.
I started this blog a year ago and then a few months in completely abandoned it. Recently, (last night) I thought, "Why don't I start blogging again?"
Which brought me here. And I am. TAKE TWO!
I don't have really anything to talk about today per say BUT I will attempt to write more consistently. So today is more of a declaration. A "Hey everyone, this is happening, so get ready" post.
But for the handful of you reading this, I will leave you with this:
When I found out Kim and Kanye were having a baby, I thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be so hilarious-dumb if they named their kid, South? As in South West?"
And then they named their kid North. (*facepalm)
Here are a few other fitting ideas for their celebrity baby name:
1. Key (This is a winner because it fits the infamous K-starting names)
2. South by South
3. Mid
And my personal favorite,
4. Wild Wild
See you tomorrow!! When I will have hopefully thought of something more interesting to talk about.
LOL I definitely was thinking the same thing with Key!!! But those are other great names....I dont understand what they were thinking!!