Friday, July 26, 2013

And the award goes to...ME!

I got nominated for a Liebster Award!!

I'm almost 100% sure it's like a Nobel Peace Prize for the blog world.

I actually have no idea what this means, but it's still cool. "Thanks to Nikki at Bourgie Chronicles who is an avid reader and supporter of my blog and nominated me!" - my thank you speech. 

So I guess when you're nominated you're supposed to list 10 facts about yourself and answer 10 questions, so here goes:

1. I'm left handed. So are my mama and grandma.
2. I've never owned a pet. But for the longest time in Elementary School I made up a cat named Moonlight then when friends would come over I'd say she ran away. Every time.
3. I won 26K on a game show. See: Who Wants To Be America's Next Top Slumdog Millionaire
4. I impulsively bought Lasik surgery on Groupon. Thankfully, it worked out and I can see.
5. I graduated Summa Cum Laude with two degrees. Like a boss bitch.
6. I have a very strong fear of roaches. It's phobia status. I hyperventilate and stuff.
7. I broke my foot in high school tripping over my untied shoelace. Weak bones, apparently.
8. I applied to The Disney Store 8 times before they hired me. PERSEVERANCE!! 
9. I'm both the oldest and shortest of three siblings. I'm almost 5'3, my brother is 6 ft.
10. I have a food intolerance to bananas. Which makes ordering smoothies difficult and sad.

Questions for Nominees:
1. Whats your least favorite season and why? 
This is hard for me to answer...I like Spring because of flowers. I like Summer because it makes me think of frozen yogurt. I like fall because of the leaves changing on trees and my birthday. I like winter because of the holidays. So, I guess I'll go with summer as my least favorite because I eat frozen yogurt year-round.

2. Are you superstitious?
Yes and no. I don't kill spiders because my mom says in Colombia, they're good luck. I pick up pennies but that's more because I'm broke. The whole black cats, ladders, Friday the 13th thing doesn't phase me. I kind of get into Mercury retrograde. My mom makes me eat 12 grapes on New Years, and she says bird poop on you is a sign of money to come.....sometimes I don't know what that lady is talking about.

3. What was your favorite cartoon growing up?
TWO  STUPID DOGS! Also, Arthur. And does Supermarket Sweep count? That show was my 10 year old jam.

4. How would you describe your personal style?
I don't know what my style is. I like to wear dresses and cloche (bell) hats. So it's definitely 20s inspired. I'm almost always wearing a hat.  I own like 15 hats. I'm not particularly trendy or flashy...I like sweaters? Clearly I'm super sexy.

5. If you could take a vacation right now anywhere in the world where would you go?
PARIS! Duh. Bonjour mon ami! I want to eat croissants and ride a bike with a little dog and baguette in my basket! Also, with my plethora of hats, I'd fit right in with the locals. 

6. What has been your greatest achievement in life so far?
Moving to LA and pursuing my dream is an achievement in itself. Awwwwww. Also, I make pretty good cake pops.

7. What are your favorite smells?
This is going to sound weird unless you've been to my house. But the smell of fresh dill, it reminds me of my parents' house. Also, the smell of jasmine. Not my sister, the flower. 

8. Do you prefer to text or to call?
TEXT! Yuck I hate talking on the phone, it's very hard for me to multitask when I have a phone stuck on my ear.

9. What is your favorite thing that you own?
I have a letter that my mother wrote me the day I was born. She gave it to me when I turned 18. It's amazing and makes me cry every time I read it. I keep it next to my bed.

10. If you could have any super power, what would it be?
The ability to eat whatever the fuck I want and not gain weight. 


  1. I don't remember you breaking your foot in HS!

    Nice job on the 2 degrees!

    hahahah obsession with Disney I do remember ;)

  2. This was awesome!!! I cant stand bananas! And that super power would be the great! Fat kids unite!!!
