Wednesday, August 8, 2012

You're acting like a child! GOOD.

Do you ever get those days where you "wish you could be a kid again?" Being an adult is stressful and there are so many damn responsibilities. Sometimes, no I don't want to go buy groceries. Because I don't want to circle the Trader Joe's parking lot for 25 minutes. No, I don't feel like going to the gym why can't I just eat these brownies instead?! I DON'T WANT TO PAY RENT I JUST PAID LAST MONTH! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!

Okay, I'm not telling you to be a whiny baby and abandon all responsibilities because frankly, yes you do need to pay rent. All I'm saying is it's okay to BE A KID sometimes! Remember the wonder and excitement, the small joys? Do things that bring back nostalgia from your childhood. Shows you watched as a kid, things you ate, activities you enjoyed. Reliving those moments will not only put a smile on your face but might even make the "boring adult" tasks more tolerable.

My current Sunday evening ritual is go to class, make dinner, have wine, watch Breaking Bad and/or The Newsroom and do something like laundry or organizing. 

I had an especially long and tiring week last week and didn't want to end with the same routine. So, after class, I stopped in at Target and bought this:

Then went home and watched this:

While eating these: (chocolate covered almonds and raisins)

And it was so relaxing!! Not that I don't love a good glass of wine to wind me down but it was so nice to just sit and color and I spent maybe 6 bucks total? 

Here are some of my masterpieces:

What did you enjoy as a kid? Puzzles? Board games? Hide and Seek? Okay, don't play hide and seek by yourself but you can totally enjoy watching your favorite movie or TV show growing up (Two Stupid Dogs, anyone? Arthur?!) or eating some snack your mom gave you after school. My go-to snack was Combos and M&Ms with a Mr. Pibb. Who was your favorite singer? You could easily find their Pandora station. I recommend the Spice Girls station. Zigga Zig Ahhhh.

Being an adult and everything that comes with it is part of growing up. But don't let anyone tell you that you can't be a kid sometimes too. Besides, what do they know? They're just stupid grownups.


  1. I'm definitely on board with you for this one BB. It really is nice to just sit and be a kid again sometimes :] That is the reason I have a pretty extensive animated movie collection! It's also the reason why at least once every 2-3 weeks I pull out "Where the Wild Things Are" and go to town. It was my favorite book as a child.

    And youtube, glorious glorious youtube is so helpful in recapturing my youth. I've watched so much Kim Possible and old PBS cartoons it's not even funny. And omg...have you just sat there and listened to all the theme songs of the shows you once watched? I love it!!

    Here's to being an adult but still getting to taste some of life's pleasures :] I hope the rest of your week is fabulous my love.


  2. I have nominated you for an award!

  3. Newest follower here! I found your blog through the Texas blog group—I’m one of the newest members!
