To all the people who have been wondering why I've been MIA (absolutely no one) I've been busy, I'm sorry and I'm back!
So, last week, I took myself on a date. And I found out two things:
1. I am a cheap date.
2. I have a lot of fun by myself.
I TOOK MYSELF BOWLING! And it was really such a fun experience.
Isn't that boring? Don't you look weird by yourself?
NO. YES, probably, but who cares?! I didn't know anyone there. And I bet the couple making out every two minutes sharing the booth with me looked weirder. Excuse me, you're making out on my purse. Do you mind straddling him on the next chair over? OR AT HOME IN PRIVATE?!
The great thing is, I AM TERRIBLE AT BOWLING. GOD I AM SO BAD. The lightest ball (8llbs) was too heavy for my twig arms and I guttered pretty much every ball with the occasional "looks like it's going to be a gutter but knocks down one pin at the last second" SUCCESS!
Because I was alone, I didn't feel the need to compete (I'm fiercely competitive, don't play board games with me) and I didn't feel pressured to impress anyone. I sure as hell didn't need to impress myself. I just allowed myself to have fun. I couldn't stop cracking up at myself. The two games probably lasted me 40 minutes and I was in such a good mood after!
I'm a big proponent of alone time, but that alone time is usually spent in my room watching HBO. Why not take yourself out once in a while? Be it a nice dinner, a movie, WHATEVER. 1 hour a week, 30 minutes even. Frankly, you deserve it and you will thank yourself after.
I'm trying to make this a weekly thing. This week my date wants to go to a museum. So I'm currently looking up free days, cuz I'm not trying to spend money on her. She doesn't have it that good yet.
I love reading your blogs. They are so inspiritional...