But how many of us have gotten dressed up and made a dinner reservation, party of one?
How about buying just one ticket to a movie?
It wasn't until recently that I discovered the comfort of spending time with myself. It must be something that comes with age. When you're younger you just "wanna do hoodrat things with your friends." GO TO A RESTAURANT OR MOVIE ALONE?! AS IF!
"Who's gonna share my popcorn with me? I can't finish a whole tub by myself and I can't take it home for later because reheated popcorn is gross. What if I have to pee? No one will be able to tell me what I missed when I get back. This isn't a very good idea." - actual neurotic thoughts I've thought when contemplating seeing a movie by myself for the first time.
I used to feel so sad for people who I'd see eating out alone. I'd think, "Don't they have friends? Why didn't they just get take out?" It never occurred to me that they could be eating alone by choice!
I think there's something really liberating about going out by yourself. It's sort of a declaration of, "Hey, I'm at ease with myself and I enjoy my own company, so why not?"
Yes, it's quiet - but in this day and age with our technology addictions and ADD brains, I can tell you from experience that it's refreshing to sit, comfortably, in the silence and just disconnect for a bit.
I took myself to PF Changs the other night. Nothing super fancy, I don't have fancy money. But I did have a 10 dollar off coupon! HEEEEEY! So I got dressed up (I mean dressed up for PF Changs standards) and called and made a reservation for one. I got there, and being a Sunday night, it was busy with parties of 4 and parties of 6 also waiting to be seated. I immediately panicked and hoped that I'd get a corner booth away from everyone else. But, of course, I got a center table in the middle of the dining room. And I took it.
And I did something I could never do when eating out with others, and that's observe the environment. I realized I'd never noticed the paintings on the walls, or the architecture of the ceiling. I watched other families and friends interact. There was a toddler who kept dropping his food and he'd look at me each time he did it, like he kept getting caught. There was a group of old friends who were arguing over who was going to pay. A group of young friends who ordered way too much food. A couple sitting next to each other in the booth (which I always think is adorable), enjoying their martinis and kissing every couple of minutes.
And then there was me. Just sitting, enjoying my iced tea and vegetable fried quinoa - no Facebook, no Instagram, no texts, no conversation, no hurry, nada. It was thoroughly delightful.
It's not something I could have done had I had company. I would have been half-talking, half-listening, Yelping what entree was best reviewed, then posting photos of my food on Instagram and checking every two seconds to see who approved of my dinner choice. #Yum #Food #Nomnom
I've also gotten into seeing movies alone, because, really, you don't need someone there next to you because you can't talk to them anyway. (Unless you're watching a horror movie, if you're watching it alone I probably will think you're a serial killer. Anyway, the last scary movie I saw was The Ring so luckily we won't meet, creepy movie theatre killer.)
My boyfriend and I have those times where our movie choices don't coincide. So when I want to see some obscure indie film, I go by myself. It's GREAT! It's become a little sanctuary for me. It's dark, you can't be on your phone and you can't talk to anyone. It forces you to just be in the present moment and that's what makes it worthwhile for me. Also, I've solved the popcorn sharing problem - I bring my own snacks in my purse. And if I miss a little of the movie because I have to pee, well, I think I'll be fine.
So, next time you're going to dinner and a movie, why not make it a solo date?
I did whip out my phone to take this photo. I told myself, "Eat half and save the other half for tomorrow's lunch."
I mean, I did eat half. Two halves.
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