Two months ago for my 27th birthday, I ate at the new Be Our Guest restaurant at Disneyworld. It's only been open for a year and a half and is booked out six months in advance.
Because God loves me, we completely lucked out and got a reservation because there was a site glitch when making original reservations that changed our 7pm reservation for four to a 5pm reservation for two. Disney, being ever so accommodating, acknowledged the mistake on their end, and that plus my tears got us a Sunday dinner reservation at 4pm.
I'm happy to share a detailed description from the moment I walked in to the moment I walked out. Let me just preface this with I cried about four different times during the entire dinner. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite of all Disney movies and it is also the best Disney movie and YES that is me being objective. It's the first animated movie to be nominated for a Best Picture Oscar, the music is incredible, and it's got the hottest villain. Yet, as far as merchandising and Park real estate goes, it's never been as prominent as other movies. Kindaaaa bullshit. UNTIL NOW!!!!!!!
Okay. Without further ado -
When you walk up to Beast's Castle, there is a bridge you cross to the front gates. These gates are closed unless you have a reservation. Gargoyles line the bridge and mann the front door.
I wasn't able to catch the entire thing but I did get the last snippet of the before dinner speech. It went a little something like, "The Master welcomes you to his castle. We invite you to relax, let us pull up a chair, while the dining room proudly presents your dinner." Actual lines from the movie!
Each waiter then calls out the name of their assigned party and takes them to their table.
Upon entering the restaurant, I got super overwhelmed and cried. IT'S JUST SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL YOU GUYS!!! I mean, it looks EXACTLY like the movie!!!!
You have the option of dining in one of three rooms, the ballroom, the library room, or the west wing - "it's (not) forbidden!" We ate in the ballroom by the windows, with actual falling snow!!!
As you can see by the video, the music played is all instrumental from the film, and the restaurant is more fine dining than the kitschy cafes Disney tends to offer. Three course meals and no dancing characters swarming your table for you to get autographs from, it's actually not a place I believe many children would have fun. But the child at heart? Oh hell yes.
The napkin is a rose!!!! DETAILS!!!!
The Ballroom dining room
For my appetizer I had a salad trio, for my entree, ratatouille - which was delicious! For dessert, they bring out an array of options, just like in the movie. But of course, regardless of how amazing the other desserts looked and sounded, I couldn't leave without, "trying the gray stuff." And yes, it's delicious!
After dinner you're allowed to walk around to the other rooms. The West Wing was darker and had ripped paintings, just like in the movie. Of course the enchanted rose is also there in its glass case, and yes the petals do fall.
On your way out you're allowed to meet the Beast! Which was very exciting because he was probably six and a half feet tall. And by he I mean the giant person inside the costume, I'm guessing an Orlando Magic player. I of course couldn't be like everyone else and just shake his hand so I curtsied as Belle did Pre-Tale As Old As Time, to which he bowed, took my hand, and spun me around. Swoon!
It was all very magical, indeed.
It was all very magical, indeed.